Dr. Jack L. Arnold Equipping
Pastors International Philippians
Lesson 8
and Humiliation
Philippians 2:9-13
A. For
every act of obedience the Christian performs, there will be reward in
heaven. In context, the act of
obedience the Apostle Paul is speaking of is humility. Last week, in 2:1-4, we saw how the
Apostle Paul was exhorting the Christians at Philippi to have the mind of
Christ whereby they thought the interests of others more important than their
own interests. There was strife
and division in this church and the way to eradicate this warring was to have a
humble spirit.
B. In
2:5-8, we saw how Paul took the life of Christ as an example of one who truly
practiced humility. Christ, the
eternal Son of God, was equal with God in substance, nature and attributes,
sharing the infinite glory of God.
Yet, He emptied Himself of this glory and became a servant of God,
taking upon Himself a real humanity, yet without sin. This One, the God-Man, humbled Himself beyond anything the
human mind could comprehend. In
becoming a man, Jesus Christ became obedient to the Father’s will, even to the
point of dying on the Cross as a despised
criminal. Why did He do it? Because this was the
Father’s plan for the redemption of sinners. There was no other way to save men. Jesus humbled Himself so that all who
are His followers might be clothed in His righteousness and become exalted
children of God. The application
is obvious. Since Jesus did this
great deed of humility, we who are Christians ought to have a spirit of
humility towards one another.
OF CHRIST 2:9-11
A. Therefore
God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every
name, -- The obedience of Christ in His spirit of humility did not go
unrewarded by the Father. The
Father “super-exalted” Him as the Greek says. Christ was resurrected from the dead, ascended to the right
hand of the Father, and was given a name that was exalted above all of God’s
created beings. He was given the
title and officially recognized as Jesus Christ, the Lord. Lord means supreme ruler who is in
charge of the universe. Christ
must bear a name which suits His character, nature and
exaltation. He is Lord because He
is I AM, Jehovah, sovereign one, eternal one, the very
nature of God. He is the conqueror
over sin, evil spirits and death.
Christ is heir of all things, creator of all things, preserver of the
universe and purifier of sin. His
name is Lord. He is Lord of
all. If Christ is not Lord of all,
then He is not Lord at all!
B. That
at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under
the earth; --
It is the Father’s plan that all created beings will one day
worship Jesus Christ. Christ is
worthy of every created being’s worship now but many hate Him. Yet, at the second coming of Christ,
the whole body of created intelligent beings in all departments of the universe
will worship Jesus Christ.
NOTE: All will someday bow
their knees to Jesus as Lord, even those who die without salvation, being lost
forever. This verse is not teaching
universalism; that is, all men will be ultimately saved. Good angels and redeemed human beings
will bow to the Lord joyfully, but wicked angels and damned men will do it
reluctantly and remorsefully.
C. And
every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
-- There is a day coming when every created intelligence will agree with the
Father that Jesus Christ is Lord.
The infidels, atheists and skeptics will all bow the knee and confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord, even when experiencing the pangs of eternal
punishment. The moral man, who did
not have time for Jesus because he was too busy trying
to do good works, will cry out in hells torments that Jesus is Lord. The religious man, who was so sure his
way was right and took himself and multitudes of others down the road to
destruction, will plead for the Lord to help but it will be too late (Matt.
7:21-23: Not everyone who says to
me, “Lord, Lord,” will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the
will of my Father who is in heaven.
Many will say to me on that day, “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in
your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?” Then I will tell them plainly, “I never
knew you. Away
from me, you evildoers!”). NOTE: If you are not a Christian, I warn you on the authority of
God’s Word that if you will not acknowledge Christ as Lord in this lifetime,
you will do so in the next life, and it will be hell enough to know He is Lord
and be eternally separated from Him.
The scriptures make it plain that now is the day of salvation. Now is the time to receive God’s gift
of eternal life through Jesus Christ.
The Bible speaks of no second chances in eternity to respond to the
Lordship and Saviorship of Christ.
Let us bow our knees and bend our proud hearts to Christ while there is
still time.
D. To
the glory of God the Father.
-- This
great exaltation of Christ will bring glory to the Father, for all things are
working in this life according to the counsel of His own perfect will and for
His own infinite glory. NOTE: Although Paul doesn’t develop this
theme because it isn’t the line of argument he is pursuing,
it is true that when we are willing to set aside our rights God will exalt
us. When we are willing to be of
no reputation and not insist upon our rights, God will honor us. Jesus taught this same truth in Luke
14:11: “For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles
himself will be exalted.”
A. Salvation
Is Man Working Out 2:12
1. Therefore,
my dear friends, -- The “therefore” connects what is about to be said
back to the immediate context which is about humility producing unity in the
local church. Paul is going to
exhort these Philippians but before he does, he calls them “my dear friends” or
more literally “beloved.” We see
here again the tremendous love which the Apostle Paul
had for the Philippians as their first pastor.
2. As
you have always obeyed—not only in my presence but now much more in my
absence -- This sentence is filled with
insinuations and one of these is that the Philippians had a tendency to be a
man-follower. There was a tendency
to lean too heavily on Paul; that is, on his physical presence with the church
at Philippi. The Philippians had
to learn two lessons: 1) Pastors
come and go but the saints are to do the work of the ministry all the time no
matter who the pastor is, and 2) They had to obey and do God’s will without any
help of any man no matter how great he might be. NOTE: A local
church should never be built around a pastor. The people must grow in grace and mature so they will become
self-sustaining believer-priests.
One’s motivation for Christian obedience must come from God, not from
any one man or men in general.
3. Continue
to work out your salvation --
a. The
Philippians are told to work out their own salvation. “Salvation” in this context refers to having a spirit of
humility so as to produce unity in the local church. In 1:27, they were “to stand firm in one spirit, contending
as one man for the faith of the gospel.”
In 2:2, Paul exhorts them to have “love, being one in spirit and
purpose.” Then in 2:14, the
Philippians are told, “Do everything without complaining and arguing.” Right between these thoughts are the words
“work out your salvation” so he must be specifically thinking of humility as it
is related to unity in the body of Christ.
b. In
the broadest sense, “work out your salvation” refers to any and every aspect of
the Christian life. The first
thing to note is that this is your salvation. It does not say work at or work towards a salvation you may
get.” The Philippians already
possessed this salvation. They
were to work out something which is already
possessed. Paul is not thinking
about losing one’s salvation. If a
person is once saved, he can never be lost and this is backed up by the promise
of Christ Himself (John 10:27-29:
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they
shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand. My Father, who has given them to me, is
greater than all; no one can snatch them out of my Father’s hand.). If a person can be saved and then lost,
the word of Christ is meaningless; in fact it is a lie. Yet, Christ does not lie and His word
is truth and can be trusted.
NOTE: The spiritual truth
is that what we Christians possess in principle, we should be working out in a
practical way in life.
ancient Roman scholar Strabo (64 B.C.), who wrote in Greek, has an account of
the once famous silver mines in Spain, in which he refers to the working out
of those mines, using the very same word as Paul uses here. Strabo meant, of course, that the
Romans were operating, exploiting, and getting the utmost value out of what was
already securely in their possession.
Such, it seems clear is the Apostle’s meaning of work out. We are to work out the precious silver
of God from our silver mine of salvation.
c. We
should also note that the salvation spoken of here is not initial salvation
from the penalty of sin or future salvation from the presence of sin but
present salvation from the power of sin in one’s daily life. The Greek actually says, “Constantly be
working out your salvation.”
Salvation is not something which just happens
when we receive Christ so that we receive the forgiveness of sins and get a
ticket to heaven. Salvation is
also taking place in the Christian now.
Salvation is not a huge, initial surge followed by a lifelong continual
coast or glide in this life until we get to heaven. The Holy Spirit works in the Christian and the Christian has
the responsibility every day to live the Christian life. There is no place in the Christ-life to
glide, coast or to shift into neutral.
Paul was continually challenging the Philippians to progress, to move on
and not to be content with their present state of salvation. Paul said to the Philippians in 1:9,
“This is my prayer: that your love
may abound more and more.” He also
had this same high standard for himself, for he said in 3:12, “Not that I have
already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect (mature), but I
press on …” NOTE: In working out
present salvation from the power of sin, the Christian is to be very
active. He is not to be passive or
dormant, so as to say, “I’ll just let go and let God!” No! God has given the Christian the will to pursue, follow
after, press on in the contest, the race, the fight of
the Christian life. The Christian
is in a battle on three fronts – the world, the flesh and the devil. Now there is a time to “let go and let
god” but it is not in our struggle with the world, the flesh and the
devil. We must learn to relax and
“let go and Let God” in dealing with providential circumstances over which we
have no control. We must relax and
rest in God being passive as we watch God work it all out. Yet, when it comes
to fighting sin and working out our salvation, we must be dynamically active. We must never be passive about sin.
d. We
should also note that this is a command.
It is not optional that we work out our salvation. It is mandatory. This is our human responsibility. There is no place for pious passivity
and inactivity in the Christian life.
We do not shift our spiritual transmissions into neutral and wait for
God to rev us up and put us into gear.
We must pray, witness, love, give, care, bear-burdens, serve, fight sin
and do it continually. NOTE: There is no such ting as a Christian
who is not showing some evidence of progressive spiritual growth. Every person who professes Christ must
show evidence of present salvation to some degree or that person is not truly
saved. Working out present
salvation is not only nice for the Christian to do but absolutely
necessary. The Christian never
obeys perfectly but he does obey.
God is at work in him.
Every Christian needs to hang a sign around his neck, “UNDER
COMPANY AT WORK!” NOTE: We also must remember that Christians
do not work to keep themselves saved but they work because they
are saved.
e. With
fear and trembling, -- God has placed upon every Christian the grave
responsibility of working out his own salvation and each should do it with fear
and trembling. This is not a
slavish fear or the fear of losing one’s salvation which
is impossible, but the fear of failing God, who has given the Christian so
great a salvation. It is also the
fear of God’s discipline when we are not obedient to Christ. NOTE: “Fear and trembling” does not connote a frightening fear which terrifies the soul. The words “fear and trembling” are used in I Corinthians 2:3
where Paul came preaching the gospel (1 Cor. 2:3: I came to you in weakness and fear and
with much trembling.).
Paul knew he could not win men to Christ in his own strength. He knew it had to be done in the power
of God. He had no confidence in
his own abilities and talents but great confidence in God to work through him. “Fear and trembling” is an attitude of
total dependence upon God, a leaning upon God for results, an acknowledgment
that god has to do what we cannot do.
“Fear and trembling” then is not a frightening fear
which terrorizes the soul but a fear of dependence, a fear of not
wanting to do something in the flesh, a fear of not trusting wholly in God for
results. Salvation is an
impossible task if pursued in the flesh.
B. Salvation
Is God Working In 2:13
1. For
it is God who works in you to will and act -- Now Paul tells us why we can
work out our salvation because God is working a mighty salvation inside every
child of God. The “for” shows the
relationship between the Christian working out (human responsibility) and God
working in the Christian (divine sovereignty). The child of God can struggle to work out his salvation
because he has the confidence God is working in him. Whatever hardships, demands or crisis the Christian faces in
the outworking of salvation, he is assured that God is working a mighty
salvation in him. It is God who
gives the will (desire) and the ability to act and accomplish. God grants motivation, desire and the
power to act but God does not act for the Christian. The Christian acts by his will which is stimulated by the
power of the Holy Spirit.
NOTE: Paul is not saying,
“You do your part and God will do His. You do your thing and God will capitalize on it, making
something of it.” No, what Paul is
saying is, “Because God is working in you, you can work out your salvation.” In fact, if Christians are not working
out salvation they should wonder whether God is working in them. NOTE: This verse teaches us that when God places any human
responsibility on us, He also gives the divine power to carry it out. God gives power, strength, ability and
motivation, and because of that truth, we Christians can obey. NOTE: There is a mystery between divine sovereignty and human responsibility which we will never put together. God is sovereignly working in every
true child of God and every true child of God must work out salvation through
faith and obedience. The Christian
can only effectively work out salvation when he is walking in close fellowship
with the God who is working in him.
The key to effective Christian living is a life lived in dependence upon
God. NOTE: Let me give a word of caution not to
blame your sin on God. It is quite
easy for a Christian to rationalize, “I sinned but God is working in me;
therefore, He could have caused me to avoid this sin in my life but because he
didn’t, I assume God wanted me to do it.”
God never wants us to sin.
If we gossip, show up late, fail to keep commitments or whatever, “we
dare not say, “Well, it happened so God wanted it to happen!” This happened only in the permissive
will not the directive will of God.
We can never use the sovereignty of God as a cop-out for our sin,
laziness and indifference. God is
never pleased with our sin. What
Paul is teaching us in 2:12-13 is that every act of faith and obedience we do
is ultimately from God and every act of disobedience is from our sin nature and
we are held responsible for it.
Yet, at no time does our sin take God by surprise or throw His plan into
a tailspin.
2. According
to his good pleasure. -- God is
working in the Christian for His won good pleasure and He will receive the
glory for every detail of our present salvation (Phil. 1:6: Being confident of this, that he who
began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ
Jesus.). Paul wants us to
clearly understand that every spiritual act, every good work, every exercise of
faith, every accomplishment of obedience we have ever done, God did for
us. He gets the glory because He
is a sovereign God.
“Tis not that I did choose thee,
Lord, that could not be;
heart would still refuse thee,
thou not chosen me.
from the sin that stained me
cleansed and set me free;
old thou didst ordain me,
I should live for thee.”
A. Saved. What is Paul teaching us
Christians? A life of dependence
on Christ is a life of humility and those who are humble will have a spirit of
unity in the local church. We are
to work out our salvation by showing love, humility, tenderness, kindness and
all the things which make for unity. Christians, we never plateau in our
Christian lives. We are either
going forward or backward, and Paul says, “Press on! Abound more and more in love! Stand firm in one spirit!” When these things show up, we know God is working in us His
Unsaved. For you
without Christ, I want to remind you that you are going to bow your knee to
Christ as Lord one way or another.
You are either going to bow to Him as your Lord-Savior in this world,
acknowledging His right to rule in your life, or you will bow to Him as the
Lord-Judge in the next world under the most horrible and excruciating
circumstances. You will face an
angry God in eternity if you do not bow your knee to Christ in this life. If you do bow to Christ now, you will
meet a loving God in eternity with His arms stretched wide open to receive you
into your eternal home.